A peak into the life of the Harty's 2.0, in Edmonton!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

We made it!

Hi everyone -

Guess what? The blog's name is finally a reality. We have made it to Edmonton and are starting our life in Alberta.
It has been quite a journey for us, both stressful and exciting. We left Richmond on July 30th and headed up to Kamloops. We have friends up there who graciously hosted us and our cats for the night. It was nice to have somewhere to chill out for a little bit before we did our second day of driving.
I should go back a little bit further in our journey. As some of you know, Mr. Harty was already in Edmonton when we decided to move. I am in NO way complaining (yeah, right), but basically all the packing and organizing was left up to me, as the Mr. wasn't in town. It was a little bit too stressful for me and I did have numerous break downs. Oh, I forgot something else! A month before our move, Mr. Harty hurt himself at work. He tore his bicep from the bone in his left arm. So guess what??? All the lifting and pushing and any other physical labor was done by moi. To be fair, we did have amazing movers on both sides who helped us move out and move in. Those boys really know what they were doing. Both companies had our place either moved out or in, in less than two hours. Great work!!!
Now, I can understand it was an accident and totally not Mr. Harty's fault, but when I have had to do EVERYTHING (!!!!!) it gets a little draining. We have had numerous "discussions" about where the furniture should go, or how this was not packed properly, etc, etc. I am hoping things are going to be getting back to normal quickly.
Anyways, back to getting to Edmonton. After our night in Kamloops, we did our LONG day of driving. We drove from Kamloops to Edson, Alberta. It was about an 6 hour drive. Not too bad, you say? Well, when you have two yowling cats in the back seat, it makes a not too bad drive a nightmare. I knew the cats would be upset with being in the car and the movement, but come on! Enough is enough! I had to tune my speakers to the front of the car and turn it up to drown out their horrible noises. I love my kitties and all, but they seriously pushed my limits. I know they were just scared, but it is so hard when cats don't speak human and I don't speak cat!
The night of the 31st, we stayed in Edson. On the morning of August 1st, we headed out to our new home in Edmonton. It is about a 2 hour drive between the two places. The morning of the first didn't start without some major drama. The hotel we stayed at in Edson allowed pets, so we brought the cats up to our room. I brought them up one at a time, just carrying them in my arms. No problems at all. Well, the next morning we had to bring them back down to the car and put them into their crate. This is where the drama began. Mr.Harty asked which cat I wanted to take downstairs. I picked Cobalt, who is normally the better one of the two. I guessed wrong that morning. We took the cats down the stairs and when we got the bottom of the stairs in the lobby, a worker was using the vacuum. This absolutely set Cobalt off. He squirmed and I tried to hold on to him. Then he bit me!!! The F'ing cat bit me!!!! Once he had done that, I had to drop him because it hurt like hell. I don't know if you have ever been bit by an animal, but it HURTS!!! Anyways, we managed to corale Cobalt and put him in the crate with his brother.
So, now Mr. Harty and I make a great pair. Him with his arm and me with my cat bitten thumb, which is now so swollen I can't bend it. But, you know what? Thinking back on it now, I know we can get through things that stand in our way! Got to think positive right?
As I drove into Edmonton, I was very excited to see our new home. That excitement soon turned to fear and anger, as I took the wrong turn off to our street and got myself lost. I somehow made it into an industrial area where there are no connecting streets to where I needed to go. I had to call Mr. Harty and ask him where to go. OK, so I didn't really ask him where to go, more like I swore and cursed at him to try and direct me to our new house. Eventually, I did make it. I was tired, cranky, and sore and we still had all the moving in to do. All I wanted to do was to lie down and take a nap. But no one said moving was fun right?
This is just a little overview of our drive to Edmonton from Richmond. I will be sure to fill you in on our numerous adventures we have had in our first three weeks in our new home.

Till next time,

Mrs. Harty